6 Feng Shui Tips for Getting Pregnant

by Donna Stellhorn

Sometimes when we are looking for a solution and we’ve tried all the conventional means we have to do something – anything to get the energy moving again. You may have tried everything to get pregnant, here are some unconventional tips you may not have tried.

1. A Bowl of Rice: Feng Shui lore says to place a bowl of uncooked rice under the bed. This is to stimulate the fertility energy of those who sleep in the bed above. You can use a decorative bowl of fine china or just a plain ceramic bowl, I recommend against plastic or paper bowls. Long grain or short grain rice is fine just make sure it’s uncooked.

2. Let the Dust Bunnies Roam: Tradition says that you should not clean under the bed while trying to get pregnant. It’s said that the child’s soul comes to visit the prospective parents and this soul hides out under the bed. If you clean under the bed the soul is disturbed and leaves to find other parents. So don’t fret about how much dust is in your rice bowl just leave it be.

3. Speaking of Bunnies: Rabbits represent fertility so displaying pairs of rabbits is said to increase baby making energy. You can use ceramic rabbit figurines, pictures of rabbits, stuffed rabbits or rabbits made of gemstone. The pair should look similar (so don’t try to match a stone rabbit with a stuffed rabbit). Place them in the room and move them to a new place in the room every week.

4. Plant a Seed: In Feng Shui, we use representations of what we want to attract energy so in this case, we want to plant some seeds and watch them grow. Grow a plant or two in the bedroom from seeds. Choose a plant that’s easy to grow and place it in a sunny window. You can also use cuttings to grow your plants but seeds are best.

5. Display an Egg: Eggs represent the potential for new life and babies so having an egg in the room helps stimulate the fertility energy. You can get egg-shaped stones like Jasper and Agate, there are petrified eggs, glass eggs, and Faberge-style eggs. Display the egg on your nightstand and keep it polished and shiny.

6. Get a Figurine of a Family: Small statues like three turtles standing one on top of the other, a family of three deer figurines or three stuffed animals in varied sizes all create the loving family energy. Place these on a table or chair (for the stuffed animals) in the bedroom so you can see them from the bed.

Sometimes the energy of the room itself is off but also sometimes there’s just some doubt from one potential parent or both that is blocking the energy. It’s important to clear any negative energy to allow the fertility energy to fill the room. These simple tips have helped others. Let me know what your experience is.

Donna Stellhorn is an Astrologer, Feng Shui expert, and author of Fertility Feng Shui. You can contact Donna at www.fengshuiform.com.