Other books by Donna Stellhorn

Chinese Astrology: 2022 Year of the Water Tiger
Chinese Astrology:

2022 Year of the
Metak Ox

How To Use Magical Oils
How To Use

Magical Oils

Money & Prosperity Workbook
Money and Prosperity Workbook



Donna Stellhorn

About Donna Stellhorn

Author, Astrology and Feng Shui expert, Donna Stellhorn, is a speaker, a supportive personal coach, and a practical business consultant, with more than 20 years' experience. In addition to building three successful businesses of her own and logging more than 20,000 hours of consultations with clients, she teaches a variety of classes, offers apprenticeship programs, leads workshops, and continues to write on a variety of topics. She believes in encouraging others to achieve success in their careers and in their personal lives.

Donna has written 11 books. One of them, Feng Shui Form, is a collection of many of her best and most popular concepts to help her readers create a supportive and comfortable living and working environment. Her best-selling booklet for more than 10 years, Sage and Smudge: Clearing Your Personal Space, shares the concept of how to cleanse and clear space, objects, or environments. Her latest book is a Feng Shui expert's look at the puzzle of fertility. It's entitled: A Path to Pregnancy: Ancient Secrets for the Modern Woman.

A guest on radio shows across the country. including Coast to Coast with George Noory, Donna has been seen on NECN’s New England Dream House, and was invited to speak at the prestigious Build Boston Architectural Conference three years in a row. Donna is a Red Ribbon Professional and on the board of the International Feng Shui Guild. She also currently serves as a Board Member of NCGR-San Diego. When she takes a moment to relax, she enjoys her home in Aliso Viejo, California, spending time with her friends, her pets, and a good book on any subject.

Donna is available for personal and business consultations. Appointments can be made to meet in person, via phone, or Skype.

You can contact Donna through her websites:




or email her at donna@donnastellhorn.com




Other books by Donna Stellhorn

Feng Shui Form
Feng Shui Form

Sage and Smudge: Secrets of Clearing Your Personal Space
Sage and Smudge: Secrets of Clearing Your Personal Space