Lucky House Numbers
Lucky House Numbers

Intuition @ Work
Intuition @ Work

Intuition @ Work
Intuition @ Work

Changing the Chatter
Changing the Chatter

Pendulum, L-Rod, Y-Rod

L-Rod, Y-Rod

How To Use Magical Oils
How To Use

Magical Oils


Money & Prosperity Workbook
Money and Prosperity Workbook

Your Personality Code: A New Look At Sun Signs
Your Personality Code:
A New Look At

Sun Signs

Sage and Smudge: Secrets of Clearing Your Personal Space
Sage and Smudge: Secrets of Clearing Your Personal Space

Simple Feng Shui Secrets
Simple Feng Shui Secrets

Color: A Secret Language Revealed
A Secret Language Revealed

ETC Publishing



About ETC Publishing


Our goal at ETC Publishing is to support conscious living and personal success. Each publication offers specific spiritual tools and techniques you can use to improve your life. As you include spiritual concepts in the practical aspects of your daily life, you enjoy greater success in every pursuit: business, career, prosperity, relationships, happiness, personal growth, and more. We focus on the following areas:

With each of our offerings, we affirm that there are many pathways to success. We encourage you to choose the ones that work for YOU!

ETC Publishing was founded in 1989 with the simple goal of providing practical and valuable information on how to incorporate spiritual practices into everyday living. We have tested various publishing modalities over the years: newsletters, a magazine, books (both large and small), learning cards, affirmations, and greeting cards. Now we want to provide you with even greater access; we are publishing digital versions of favored topics, making these available for download to your mobile devices.

Carlsbad California Flower FieldsWe continue to encourage our authors to offer classes and workshops on a variety of topics to explore what interests people in our communities. The best and most popular of these have withstood the test of time, and are available to you here.

ETC Publishing has been in the spotlight at the International New Age Trade Show (INATS) in Denver, Colorado, receiving the prestigious COVR Award (Coalition of Visionary Resources): First Prize, Best Book, General Interest, for our Sage and Smudge - The Ultimate Guide. Another of our books, Sage & Smudge - Secrets of Clearing Your Personal Space, has been a best-seller worldwide for nearly 20 years.

Our authors are all experts in their topics. They are articulate, well-established professionals in their fields of expertise. They write in a concise, clear, easy-to-access manner. Each one offers their unique insight and skill to their communities through one-on-one consulting, counseling, and coaching services. They teach classes and lecture on a wide variety of topics to all manner of organizations, businesses, institutions, universities, colleges, schools, and interest groups. Then they share their knowledge and wisdom with us in the books they write and the classes/workshops they teach.



Sage and Smudge: The Ultimate Guide
Sage and Smudge:
The Ultimate Guide

The Guide To A Happy Pet

The Guide To A Happy Pet

Progressed Moon: Mirro Of Our Reality
rogressed Moon
Mirror Of Our Reality

Blegs, Protection and Angelic Help
Blessings, Protection
and Angelic Help

Feng Shui: It's Good For Business!
Feng Shui:
It's Good For Business!

Lunar Nodes: Keys to Emotions and Life Experience
Lunar Nodes: Keys to Emotions
and Life Experience


Mercury Retrograde
Mercury Retrograde

Feng Shui Form
Feng Shui Form

L-Rods: Secrets of Energy Dowsing
Secrets of Energy Dowsing

Transiting Lunar Nodes
Transiting Lunar Nodes
