Other books by Diane Ronngren


Money & Prosperity Workbook
Money and Prosperity Workbook

Simple Feng Shui Secrets
Simple Feng Shui Secrets

Color: A Secret Language Revealed
A Secret Language Revealed



Diane Ronngren About Diane Ronngren

Author Diane Ronngren enjoys helping people make the connection between the practical realities of life, and the spiritual journey of the soul. She looks at life from an unusual perspective; "Every pursuit - business, career, prosperity, relationships, spirituality, happiness, personal growth - is part of the flow of energy in your life. Each day presents new avenues of discovery; opportunities for greater success and satisfaction and the expression of your gifts in the world. Life’s journey must be fun, it can be challenging; and if it’s exciting and rewarding, all the better!"

With degrees in business and languages, advanced certification in Astrology, Eriksonian Hypnosis and NLP, Diane is able to approach the many aspects of life with both understanding and common sense. Communication of all kinds - preferably traceable to antiquity and custom - is her special area of interest. Currently a writer, consultant and lecturer, she previously pursued careers in adult education, international corporate management, and diplomacy. Since 1988 she has expressed many of her gifts through her own business. Her work is widely recognized, and she personally teaches and mentors other Astrology and Metaphysical professionals.

Now Diane is comfortably settled in Carlsbad, California after many years spent overseas, in New Mexico, and in Nevada. When she is not busy with her work she enjoys helping her husband, Gary, with their publishing company, maintaining a comfortable home and relaxing with the people and pets they love.

For Personal consultations,
or to book the author for speaking engagements



Other booka by Diane Ronngren

Sage and Smudge: The Ultimate Guide
Sage and Smudge:
The Ultimate Guide

Progressed Moon: Mirro Of Our Reality
rogressed Moon
Mirror Of Our Reality

Lunar Nodes: Keys to Emotions and Life Experience
Lunar Nodes: Keys to Emotions
and Life Experience


Mercury Retrograde
Mercury Retrograde

Transiting Lunar Nodes
Transiting Lunar Nodes