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Lunar Nodes: Keys To Emotions and Life Experience

Lunar Nodes:
Keys To Emotions And Life Experience

Diane Ronngren

ISBN: 978-1 -930038-18-9
240 Pages
Trade Paperback


What really matters?
What is my purpose?
Why is this happening to me?
When will my life change?
When will I be happy and successful?

"Each of us has sharply defined images of our personal reality—the people, circumstances, choices we have made, and times we identify as turning points in our journey. Lunar Nodes hold the keys to understanding our potential for spiritual/personal growth. Transiting Nodes bring opportunities to consciously learn from and respond to the rhythms of our lives, to create rich memories and relationships that nurture our hunger for belonging and accomplishment."

Written for the serious student or professional astrologer, Lunar Nodes: Keys to Emotions and Life Experience offers a glimpse into the soul. Follow detailed sample delineations to identify internal experience, emotional growth, reactive responses to events and to others, and to discover the basis for instinctive choices and judgments. This book opens up a new world of personalized interpretations!


The Mountain AstrologerAugust/September 2006

Diane Ronngren's book expresses an approach to the lunar nodes in the horoscope that is both interesting and evocative. As the subtitle indicates, she relates the nodes closely to the emotional life; she considers them to be "arms" of the natal Moon - they bring events into the person's life that are then assimilated by the Moon. In this way, the themes of the natal Moon are always connected to the nodes. Although many modern astrology books take the view that the South Node has some connection to "past life" experience, Ronngren keeps her analysis strictly in this life. She sees the South Node as responses from childhood: "The South Node will reveal the subliminal (perhaps even unconscious) messages the individual has absorbed from their childhood environment."

The author explores how people more specifically experience their emotional life. She does this by, first of all, delineating the nodes in the signs (and houses). Then she describes emotional responses that are especially emphasized by aspects between the nodes and the Moon. (Chapter 4, "Keys to Emotions," gives a simple method for understanding emotions that incorporates the natal Moon and both of the nodes.) Along with aspects between the nodes and the Moon, Ronngren describes nodal aspects to other planets (and significant points) in the chart. There is also a chapter on the nature of the aspects (including semi-sextile/inconjunct and semi-square/sesquiquadrate), and the author pays attention to whether an aspect is beneficial or challenging. She includes a chapter on Transiting Lunar Nodes (using both the Mean and True Node). Horoscopes for Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver provide intriguing examples of transiting lunar nodes.

This is not a beginner-level book. Although it is informally written, Lunar Nodes: Keys to Emotions and Life Experience has advanced concepts and a lot of material condensed on its pages. Ronngren's book is best suited for counseling astrologers, who may find her ideas very helpful to their work.

- reviewed by Mary Plumb

NCGR memberletter June/July 2005

The premise is that the Moon's Nodes provide major keys to emotions, life experiences, and what matters to you in life. The book is done cookbook-style and would probably be of most interest and value to intermediate astrologers, though professionals may also get a few new insights out of it.

Sign, house placement, and aspects are all covered, as are the transiting Nodes. I take issue with equating sign placement with house position (e.g. Aries North Node=First House North Node), although most students will no doubt be able to read and then synthesize the two placements easily for their own charts if not for others. In contrast, the aspect delineations are among the most detailed and insightful I've encountered and are in my opinion what makes this book worth looking at.

An appendix provides true Nude positions for the first day of every month from 1940 -2040 inclusive and is handy if you want to get an idea of where the Nodes are at without actually setting up a chart.

The bibliography, acknowledgements, and author's notes section at the end is one of the most nicely-done I've seen. Ronngren doesn't just list books; she chronicles her own experiences en route to writing this book, citing the many people and books that influenced her. In a time when many astrologers are grumbling about the misappropriation and lack of acknowledgement of their work by other writers and lecturers, Ronngren is truly a breath of fresh air on this front.

Overall, I liked this book. I think teachers and students will too.

- reviewed by Donna Van Toen

About the Author

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