Your Personality Code:
A New Look At
Sun Signs
Sage and Smudge: Secrets of Clearing Your Personal Space
A Secret Language Revealed
Think of your Natal Moon as the baseline for your perceptions of reality; then think of the Secondary Progressed Moon as reflecting your current awareness, feelings, and observations about what’s happening to you right now. Much the way a mirror reflects the incremental changes in your appearance as time leaves its mark on your face and body, your Secondary Progressed Moon serves as an internal mirror, reflecting your life’s story.
Diane Ronngren has been consulting with clients for more than 25 years. She explains, "Your life story is being written based on the storyline unfolding as you live your life, responding to the energy, the people and events as paths cross and happenings occur." Join her as she shares her favorite tips and techniques on how to read your Progressed Moon. Explore the unfolding storyline of your life as it is etching into the internal looking-glass of your reality.