Lucky House Numbers
Intuition @ Work
Changing the Chatter
Pendulum, L-Rod, Y-Rod
How To Use Magical Oils
Money and Prosperity Workbook
Your Personality Code:A New Look At Sun Signs
Sage and Smudge: Secrets of Clearing Your Personal Space
Simple Feng Shui Secrets
Color: A Secret Language Revealed
Think of an Eclipse as if it were an "alarm clock" that awakens you to a new life and personal experience.
To find out if we need to change or shift our focus in life, we can ask ourselves:
1. Do I feel satisfied and proud of the job I am doing in my life, both with my career (to reach my career goals) and with regard to the people I love?
2. Do I have people in my life that nurture, respect and care about what's going on in my life - and who help me in my effort to reach my goals?
3. Are my career, financial, interpersonal and residential circumstances ones I am satisfied with, or do I somehow feel restricted/blocked from being all I can be?
Eclipses offer opportunities to plan your future - to create a life you want to live!
Not every Eclipse offers each of us a chance to change/focus the direction of our life. But every Eclipse brings an opportunity for change and growth on many levels to those who feel the need and are ready for something different in their lives.
Sage and Smudge: The Ultimate Guide
The Guide To A Happy Pet
Progressed MoonMirror Of Our Reality Blessings, Protectionand Angelic Help Feng Shui:It's Good For Business! Lunar Nodes: Keys to Emotionsand Life Experience Eclipse! Mercury Retrograde Feng Shui Form L-Rods: Secrets of Energy Dowsing Transiting Lunar Nodes Venus
Blessings, Protectionand Angelic Help
Feng Shui:It's Good For Business!
Lunar Nodes: Keys to Emotionsand Life Experience
Mercury Retrograde
Feng Shui Form
L-Rods: Secrets of Energy Dowsing
Transiting Lunar Nodes