Your Personality Code:
A New Look At
Sun Signs
Sage and Smudge: Secrets of Clearing Your Personal Space
A Secret Language Revealed
Intuition is an everyday way for everyone to connect with
the divine. It's not necessary to be religious, meditate, pray, or be
"psychic" to be intuitive. Our contact with the life spirit through
intuition is ever-present and immediate.
In Intuition @ Work author James Wanless, Ph.D. shares proven innovative
techniques each of us can incorporate into our own lives to merge our
intuition with strategic thinking. This is a supremely creative process that
can support your own highest ideals in every area of your life. This ebook
reveals ways you can personally explore how intuition is present in every
moment of your life. (You'll find that it exists in many ways other than the
occasional hunch.)
He explains that we all want to find the path in life that will bring us
happiness and love, abundance, good health, and meaning. "Intuition is the
life force itself, made conscious to us through a feeling that arises from
within; through our intuition we tap into the ultimate resource of all--the
very source of life. By following the intuitive spirit, all that each of us
can humanly be and do is directly revealed and made manifest."
Dr. Wanless's investigation of the significance of intuition has shown him
is how much intuition can do for us, and how easily it can be accessed. He
says, "I believe our intuition is useful in a practical way, more so now
than in any other time in human evolution, such that it has even become
imperative for the survival of our species."
Life Navigator and Mentor James Wanless, Ph.D., is a former political
science professor, popular keynote speaker and seminar leader. He is the
creator of the best-selling Voyager Tarot. He travels through the United
States, Europe, Australia, Asia, sharing the wisdom gained from his own
transformative journey, combined with his professional background as a
Professor of Political Science. He has focused on self-governance and the
politics of the self--and his pursuit has led him to become a leading-edge
authority on creative and strategic intuition.
Michelle Irwin, E-Commerce Business Consultant at Sun Microsystems said of
his work: "Dr. Wanless's seminar provided an avenue for understanding our
roles on our team, and how our personality mix is balanced. He motivated and
enlightened us as to the potential of what we can accomplish as a team."
Now he shares his discoveries and his teachings with us, offering a variety
of techniques and exercises to help us find and use our intuition, to
benefit from our personal connection with the life force. Discover
innovative techniques, tips on how to choose wisely, utilize your foresight,
find new ways of relating. Create success in your life!