Your Personality Code:
A New Look At
Sun Signs
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We all have our own talents, life themes and modes of taking action. Wouldn’t it be fun to know more about your personality and your potential for love and success? Wouldn’t it be revealing to read about the people in your life - to really understand what makes them "tick"?
Most people know their Sun Sign. But have you ever noticed how different you are from others who share the same Sun Sign as your own? Or have you ever asked yourself the question, "Since there are only 12 Sun Signs, does this mean I share the same characteristics with one twelfth of humankind?"
Numerology is a system that also allows you to identify character traits, talents, and potential for growth and development. Now, all you need to know is someone's birthday in order to reveal a great deal about their personality. This code shows you how to easily apply a unique combination of both Sun Sign and Numerology guidelines in your quest for greater understanding of the mysteries of individuality.
"Your Personality Code" makes it easy for you to explore the 12 Sun Signs and 11 Birth Numbers and find the answers you are looking for in a simple way. You will find 12 times 11 possible different Personality Codes - 132 very accurate descriptions of 132 different personality types.
Identify your own Personality Code and that of the people in your life. Get ready to discover the many different facets of personality that make each of us unique and special!