Lucky House Numbers
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Intuition @ Work
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Money & Prosperity Workbook
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Sage and Smudge: Secrets of Clearing Your Personal Space
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Simple Feng Shui Secrets
Simple Feng Shui Secrets

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Fun With Feng Shui!

Fun With Feng Shui

Start the New Year With Feng Shui!

Take a personal inventory. Answer the following questions:

1. Is my health good?
2. Am I happy with my job?
3. Am I thinking about classes or studies I need to complete?
4. Do I get along with other family members?
5. Do I feel financially secure?
6. Do I have clear goals for my future?
7. Have I found my true love?
8. Do I take enough time for my hobbies?
9. Can I rely on my friends to look out for me?

Note the questions you answered with a "No", and try the following suggestions to help resolve the problem:

1. Clear off the top of your desk. Clear off the top of your coffee table, wash and polish it. Make up your bed with fresh linens.

2. Place a fountain or an array of shells on a table in your entryway.

3. Place a couple of living plants in at least two areas of your livingroom.

4. Find one or two pictures of family members and place them in wooden frames.

5. Balance your checkbook. Make notes of your financial goals using a pen with red ink.

6. List three major goals for this year on a piece of colored cardstock (or on colored 3 x 5 cards). What color did you choose? If you chose red, orange or yellow, you are more likely to succeed in meeting your goals quickly and easily.

7. Count the number of pillows on your bed. Count the number of items on a bedside table. Count the number of lamps in your bedroom. Even numbers = success in intimate relationships. Odd numbers = challenges, frustration or lack.

8. Clear out and clean up your bathroom. Scrub the sink and the tub/shower. Keep the lid of the toilet down, and close the bathroom door!

9. Wear white, gray or black and some Yin/Yang earrings, a necklace or ring, or hang a Yin/Yang symbol near your telephone.

For more simple Feng Shui tips, order Simple Feng Shui Secrets now!


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